Bill Gates on the iPad: It’s a “Nice Reader”; Disney CEO “Game Changer”
Diposting oleh Exclusive Online Fitnessdi14.45Bill Gates ‘ take on the iPad is well, meh. While Steve Jobs thinks netbooks are good at nothing, our good buddy Gates thinks exactly otherwise:
“You know, I’m a big believer in touch and digital reading, but I still think that some mixture of voice, the pen and a real keyboard – in other words a netbook – will be the mainstream on that.”
He goes on to say that the iPad is a “nice reader” but not another product or idea that makes him wish that Microsoft had done it first, say the iPhone. But as for Disney CEO Robert Iger, he brings out that dreaded word “game changer” and says that the iPad will bring “essentially new forms of content.” may we not forget that Steve serves on the Disney board, so this could just be a courtesy call. Either way, Disney could come up with some day I say “game changing” ideas that could possibly make Gates envy the iPad. So now, ultrathin sleek tablets, or fast small and nimble netbooks — what say of you, sir?
[Via Electronista, Engadget]
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